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Dear Sisters and Brothers, if you choose to submit to the agreed Norms of our Community (or Rule), you must only do so for the sake of Jesus the Christ and His example of Unconditional Love, found throughout the Gospels.

From this day forward, your worship and life of service will be spent as part of a community of brothers and sisters, which in itself, is part of the Christ’s Body, the Universal Church on earth. 
Our community is non-denominational and rejects the separation between the various bodies who use the name “Christian”. 
All are One, and we prefer to make the unity of the Body of the Christ, our passionate concern.

You are no longer alone, as an individual, but now are part of a community and every step of this new chosen life must take your sisters and brothers into consideration, before you make any future choices and actions.
“Unless a grain of wheat die, it shall remain a single grain and not give life.”
Remember too, that God is always present among us in our homes or in the places we are staying and in our workplaces, so always regard adherence to these Norms as the service of the “God-In-Us”.

Let our communal love and respect for each other be a sign of God’s presence before all others in the world around us. 
“See how these Christians love one another….” 
Our life and work should never become enclosed or separated from our fellow human beings and other creatures, but should be present to our age and adapt itself to the conditions of the times we live in. 

Do not let resentment or anger for another fester. Above all, avoid gossip and back biting. Always seek a solution through mutual dialogue and reconciliation or discussion with the Guardian of your community. 

Unlike ancient monastic Rules, our Norms do not present a detailed daily schedule, but should be regarded as a minimum or basic foundation of Unconditional Love, on which we shall build our house and our lives of Prayer and Service.



“Draw water from the Wells of Salvation”

Our Common Prayer of The Psalms of Breviary, which are observed four times each day, and the celebration of our daily Eucharist must be the life source of our community. We unite our prayer life with the communion of saints, those who have gone before us, with those whom we meet every day.

A passionate intercession for the whole of humanity and the unification of the people of God’s church, must be our commitment from morning to night.

God does not need our intercession or praise, yet it has become a mystery that we, as fellow-workers in the Harvest, are required to “Keep on praying, without losing heart”

Let the liturgy of hours never become a chore, to be rushed through, but be attentive to its meaning, seeking to find in those things accessible to mere humans, something of the reality of the God’s presence among us.

Be attentive to the rest of the community by arriving for liturgy in good time.

Our common prayer should not be seen as an exemption from seeking God in privacy and depths of our hearts. Let the Word of God breathe life into your work and rest throughout your day.

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you”.

Be filled with the spirit of the beatitudes… Simplicity, Mercy and Joy!



Our communal meals should be a celebration of Agape, following the tradition of our earliest Christian family, a manifestation of communal joyfulness and simplicity of heart. Each community member will take their turning in serving their brothers and sisters.

“Then their eyes were open and they recognised Him” as He broke the bread.  



“Clothes do not make a person, but the person makes the clothes!”

The habit is a liturgical vestment only, which we wear to remind us that our whole being has been clothed by the Christ. A way of showing our praise to God without words.

We follow the tradition of our Antonian fore-bearers by wearing a black habit with a blue Tau cross, the symbol of our Father in Faith, Anthony of Egypt.



We seek to distance ourselves from what might be regarded as traditional hierarchical or patriarchal structures, and refuse to use the term “Superior”.
“All are equal in the eyes of God” Lay Members, Deacons, Priests or Abbots.
Leadership should always follow the example given by Jesus, our Servant King, and rather than using one’s position for governance or authority, holders of office are required to ensure that they observe a duty of Service and Care for the entire community.

“You too, should wash each other’s feet”
This is neither poetic nor allegoric, but a true demand from the Christ.

Every three years, on the second weekend of January, the community will gather for a time devoted to prayer and fellowship, known as “Chapter”, during which they will elect by secret ballot, a council of Guardian, Bursar, and Secretary.
An individual can only hold office for two consecutive terms, but may be considered for re-election at a later stage.

If there are a number of houses in the same country or region, the combined communities will gather in a single location, at an agreed date and hold a Chapter to elect a Regional Council.

The Guardian
Before all other things, the Guardian will serve to foster unity among their sisters and brothers in community. They should strive to lead us all away from individualism, which disintegrates the body and brings community to a halt.
In association with their council members, and having listened carefully to the views of each of their peers, the Guardian will steer the course of the day to day running of the community.
Their office should not cause them to become aloof or separated from the body, but should encourage all community members to remain spontaneous with them, bearing in mind that they were chosen by their peers after a time of deep prayer before God. 
Each community member should be confident to approach the Guardian in private, to make them aware of any worries they may have. 
Any major decisions, which may involve the community moving in a complete change of direction, must be subject of a vote of the entire body, in secret or by a simple show of hands, after a period of prayer.

The Bursar
Should concern themselves with oversight of the regular income and expenditure of the community.
They will be responsible for keeping accurate records and ensuring that all utility bills, taxes, insurances etc. are paid promptly.
The community accounts will be discussed in the council’s weekly meetings.
Any surplus income will be distributed among those in need.
The community must never live beyond its means, and the Bursar may be required to ensure that accounts don’t fall into debt, by bringing forward proposals to the body to reduce costs or waste.

The Secretary
Will be responsible for looking after the community council’s incoming and outgoing correspondence, and distribution of personal mail to community members.
They will also keep a written record or Annal, of daily life in the house, detailing visitors or special occasions. 
The Secretary will also take the minutes of weekly council meetings, Chapters and any other community gatherings.


The Abbot
Unlike their ancient counterparts, the title of Abbot is merely ceremonial, for one who has been consecrated into the Episcopacy.
They will be responsible for the liturgical duties of a Bishop.
Otherwise the Abbot will have no greater rank than any of their peers, but may be elected to one of the posts on their community council.
Lay Members (or Students), Deacons and Priests are all similarly regarded as equal within the community. All are entitled to vote in Chapter, though may only be elected into council office after their third year in community.

Tertiary Members
Who do not live permanently in the community house, choose to share in our work and make an annual commitment to pray the Daily Office of the community, Eucharist for our intentions and living, where possible, by our Norms.



We choose not to make traditional life-long vows, but members of the community gather on St. Anthony's Feast Day, January 17th, to make an Annual Commitment to….
Sharing of Common Goods,
Living by the Norms of  The Community
Offering a Welcome to all Visitors and Guests

Sharing of Common Goods
Living together in community requires the pooling of possessions, once known as Spiritual Poverty, and must be total.
The spirit of this commitment does not require us to look poverty-stricken, but asks us to set everything in its place in the beauty of creation.
“Store up your treasures in Heaven….. wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be”.

Living by the Norms of  The Community
Once known as Spiritual Obedience, all members of The Antonians make an annual commitment to accept and live by our commonly agreed Norms.
Life in community is impossible without a minimum of harmony and mutual agreement, so in our life of prayer, meditation and work, we are asked to seek God in others, in those around us and in all things.
“Never be bitter, angry, or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil. Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other the same as God forgave you through the Christ”.


Offering a Welcome to all Visitors and Guests
Inspired by the Hospitalier Brothers of Saint Anthony, founded 1095 in Grenoble France, with the purpose of taking care of others, our welcome should be generous and discerning, as it is the Christ Himself whom we receive as a guest.
Some members will be responsible for tending to the hospitality of guests, while the others continue with our daily work.
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have enterta1ned angels unaware”.

Why no mention of Celibacy or Chastity?
Is a question that is often asked. 

Although inspired by The Antonians, who were founded almost 950 years ago, The Community of Anthony prefers to look to the structure of The Essenes of Qumran (200BC - 100AD), which welcomed both married and unmarried members.

The unmarried members lived in communal houses, but were free to choose a partner and move into married quarters within the compound, or relocate to other cities or countries.

Some historians believe that John the Baptist may have belonged to this community and, although the sect did not recognise Jesus as the Christ, it is believed that some of John’s close followers may have become Christian.

House members of The Community of Anthony are asked to follow those same qualities of the new Essene members, who would make a commitment to 
“Practice Piety to God, Righteousness toward Humanity; Maintain a Pure Lifestyle, and Abstain from Criminal and Immoral Activities”.

Membership of the house community is not permanent, in our belief that God may call any of us to follow a different path at any time in our lives, and better not to tie up…“heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders”

All are free to leave the community house and marry, either remaining full members or becoming Tertiaries, after consultation with their peers.



The above Norms provide some essential points to help each of us to strive to achieve harmony in our life in common.

Our Norms must never become restrictive or regarded as rules in themselves, because each person continues to discover a deeper understanding of God’s plan for them, the Love of the Christ in their heart, and the Light of the Holy Spirit guiding their path.

If they were to become restrictive, they would be better to have not been composed at all.

The Christ must be allowed to grow in me and I must acknowledge my weakness and that of those around me in community.
For them I will “become all things for all people” and dedicate my life for the sake of my Christ and His Gospel.

“Take, Lord, Receive, all my Liberty.
My Memory, Understanding, my Entire Will
Give me only your Love, and your Grace,
That's enough for me!
Your Love and your Grace, are enough for me!

Take Lord, Receive, all I Have and Possess.
You have given All to me, now I Return it.
Give me only your Love, and your Grace,
That's enough for me!
Your Love and your Grace, are enough for me!

Take Lord receive, All is Yours now.
Dispose of it, wholly according to Your Will”

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If you would like to help us with our work, Your family will be added to our Prayer Guild

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