Community of Anthony
“To say that God turns away from the sinful is like saying that the sun hides from the blind”
Daily Prayer
Before The Scripture Reading during
Morning & Evening Prayer
Sing or Recite.....
Take, Lord, Receive, all my Liberty.
My Memory, Understanding, my Entire Will!
Give me only your Love, and your Grace,
That's enough for me!
Your Love and your Grace, are enough for me!
Take Lord, Receive, all I Have and Posses.
You have given All to me, now I Return it.
Give me only your Love, and your Grace,
That's enough for me!
Your Love and your Grace, are enough for me!
Take Lord receive, All is Yours now.
Dispose of it, wholly according to Your Will
08:00 Morning Prayer & Eucharist
08:45 Breakfast
09:30 Classes/ Study Time/Manual Labour
11:00 (Sundays Only) Live-Stream "Breaking of Bread"
12:00 Angelus & Midday Prayer
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Class/ Study Time/ Spiritual Reading/Work
18:00 Angelus
18:45 Evening Prayer
19:00 (Wednesday, Open to Public followed by Snacks)
19:00 Dinner (Except Weds)
22:30 Night Prayer
You can find The Divine Office (or Breviary)
in the following link
Before The Our Father during
Morning & Evening Prayer
Sing or Recite ...
Come Holy Spirit!
Fill the Hearts of your People.
Kindle in Us the Fire
The Fire of Your Love
Come forth Oh Spirit!
And WE shall be Created!
And You shall Renew
The Face of All the Earth
(Repeat several times if Sung)